Join the APIC Three Rivers membership and connect with the largest network of infection preventionists in Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia.

Join APIC Three Rivers
Access essential tools and resources
- APIC Three Rivers’ annual Infection Prevention Conference featuring prominent speakers and topics in Infection Prevention
- Access to Certification in Infection Control (CIC®) Study Groups to help you become board certified in infection prevention
- Stay informed about the latest legislation in Infection Prevention law
Connect with colleagues in person and online
- Meet and interact with over 100 Infection Prevention professionals in Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia from a variety of facilities and positions
- Enjoy access to an MyAPIC, an online community of Infection Prevention professionals across the United States
Spread the word about Infection Control to the community
- Share infection prevention techniques Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia communities
- Grow public awareness of Infection Prevention professionals
Membership Fees
- National APIC Membership: $195/year
- Three Rivers/Pittsburgh APIC : $25/year
Are you ready to join Three River/Pittsburgh APIC?
You can do so by selecting Three Rivers/Pittsburgh APIC as your chapter when join APIC .
There are no upcoming events at this time.